Why Women Don’t Approach Men #datingadvice


  • @flextimegaming3840 says:

    They approach my 6’7 male model friend though

  • @vladimiryuriev2641 says:

    There is nothing on this list that do not apply for both parties.

  • @randomdamian says:

    So all you said is that men need to start the conversation, and women are afraid to say no or you will hurt them. Aside of all the insecurities on both parties you mentioned.

    Here is my idea, if you are a woman all you need to do, wave to a guy and I assure you he will 100% run to you.

  • @giacomoleopardi5776 says:

    Be on your own Woman.. Your Feelings are not important any more… Marry Instagram or your Mobilephone

  • @ConsultColin-fv6rc says:

    No man would like to approach a woman realistically

  • @initiatorhater0688 says:

    yup, hence why there will always be more male wizards than female wizards

  • @DJWenlowe says:

    Bottom line here is that the vast majority of men , myself included, would welcome women making the first move. Women bang on relentlessly about being traditional and thus expecting to be approached by men but they are being very selective in the desire to be “traditional”. They like to default to traditional gender roles only when there’s something to do that they wouldn’t be comfortable doing. We , on the other hand, are just expected to suck it up. Approaching either sex can be intimidating and daunting , women often go out in large groups which makes it even worse, so let’s move into the 21st century and go 50/50 with this. Most men would never object to women making the first move. The minority that would object have their own issues.

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