Andrew Tate was RIGHT About Brittany Renner

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  • Senzuri-Champion says:

    They forgot to mention that when given the opportunity to pretend to be men, women all make themselves all 6+ foot, fit millionaires.

    • ThatQuietKid says:

      and yet 99% of the time they still fail to attract and go to bed with a woman they’ve never met before 😂

    • Faxenmacher says:

      Being 5’8″ teaches you a healthy respect for other men. Kickboxing a 6’5″ guy just sucks, they just reach over your guard – even if you’re waaay better and win a spar, you just know if it was a game of one-touch-win, you lose. Flat out.

      That forces you to compensate with fitness, but even then, drinking or smoking and having any fun dooms you. You can avoid everything and outlast an opponent on speed and stamina, but it sucks getting there, and sucks even more to stay there.
      Three beers and I’m basically a slug for two weeks. It might only be 0.03 extra on a reaction time, but you do feel it. In the face mostly lol 😂

      Earning more than 100k a year seems like the only way to live an enjoyable life while being able to pull. For that you ideally need passive.
      Optimal passive means debt outweighs taxes, which means risk. It’s sketchy feeling when only the top 1% win, but it’s super sketch when the top 1% is based on luck – right place, right time.

      As a young, and relatively average man – I’m still learning.
      If y’all have any tips, I’d appreciate them 👍

    • Galatzó says:

      Business wise try new things, if you hit it big great, if not just don’t invest too much. When you’re young experience is profit.

      5 years from now you might have found a “cash cow” that let’s you grow your net worth.

      And read No more Mr. Nice guy

      This is the advice i’ll give a younger me

    • VirajKathwadia says:

      @Faxenmacher Be happy and chill. Somethings in life are out of your control so play on your strengths.

  • Electric Shadow says:

    Every time Brittany Renner has a mic, a camera and a seat at a podcast…”I want the world to see a different side of me and formulate a different opinion of me.”
    How about NO?!?!? Hahaha.

  • Kerafyrm says:

    like legit. kobe cheated on his wife and his wife stayed, despite the scandal that it was. that tells you something. she is way smarter than most of these women.

    *people keep mentioning an expensive diamond. The diamond means way more than just a few million dollars, it made her realize that she ain’t gonna find anything better than him. She found the .01% and kept it instead of letting her pride/ego get to her.

  • Vincent Johnson says:

    The react video Donavan did on Pearly Things featuring Andrew Tate & Brittany Renner is GOLDEN. Brittany Renner is disgusting in every sense of the word.

  • Iowa_lot_to_travel says:

    Tate dominated the podcast on Pearly things. Renner was quiet after Tate tore her apart. 😃😄

    • Kenzo says:

      the thing is i dont even think that he targeted her. one time u i saw her wince at four points in a row at each point. its the truths he was speaking that got her,.

    • Iowa_lot_to_travel says:

      @Kenzo precisely my point. She tried making excuses for being a 304. 😃😄

      Tate destroyed her with old fashioned old world tradition

    • Raul Pernas says:

      I saw the podcast and idk where you got that from but Tate wasn’t specifically targeting her at all he was making a point across yea maybe he said things that made her reflect back on her past but that’s literally it he didn’t grab no mic and flame her like y’all claim Tate was actually being genuine and respectful in that podcast the only annoying person in that was that fat girl in the brown outfit

    • PROPHET LOC says:

      @Kenzo ya i I wouldn’t much use the words “tore her apart “ , as I would “ gave her a refreshing dose of reality and brutal honesty”

    • Nikolai Vista says:

      Tate told the truth and the truth will shut up a liar’s mouth! Period. The end!

  • Miguel Gonzalez says:

    Love the fact that Donovan brings his wife along, but the poor gal should sit on the sofa, because Donovan is NOT giving up any mic time. LOL

  • Crystllclr says:

    She chose her path. This is the reality of said path. Your right shes beyond 99% of men but the 1% will never keep her. What a hell. She didnt give me the impression she was all good at all and she said as much in the podcast. She kept asking tate where do i go from here. Thats not the words of someone confident on their life’s direction

  • Internet Money PE says:

    It’s not even that PJ wanted to cheat. It’s like at every turn Renner is doing everything possible to advertise herself, to the point where he doesn’t even feel bad enough to lie lol

    • Austin Brown says:

      She’s literally disgusting. After her and PJ split up, she posted a picture of her at a football game with the caption saying something like “Looking to recruit somebody’s son” or something – I like how she plays the victim now.

    • Internet Money PE says:

      @Austin Brown Yeah I mean my basic point is she sneak cheated on PJ Washington every day and doesn’t have a leg to stand on. No dude with any self respect is gonna tolerate that lol.

    • Talente Khuzwayo says:

      @Austin Brown in ten years time she’ll be wondering why she isn’t in a warm home resting with a hubby😂

  • Zeyna Nd says:

    Ah thanks for the intro about her, never heard about her but she had a good conversation with top g at miss pearls podcast. I only saw clips, but I liked how honest she said that her traumas are like scars that are ugly as a woman and the same is appreciated by a guy. Because it builds a guy up. However us viewers feel about it, I was happy she realized it, so other girls can realize it.

    • CarpeDiem says:

      Yes men are praised for it, women are shamed. I learned this very early in life which is why I didn’t move a certain way..

  • Liz 24 says:

    Brittany said in both interviews with Pearl that she wouldn’t change her past experiences if she could go back knowing what she knows now and that speaks volumes. She spent so much time defending her “truth” and trying to convince us she has changed and regrets her actions when in fact, saying you wouldn’t change your past decisions is literally saying you don’t have regrets. She did it before and she’d happily do it again but that’s just me lol

    • SoloStokes says:

      Cuz the only thing she will change is getting the man she actually wanted in the past. Then she would have Applied all these presents principals she learn today she use back then. Yea she’s forever for the streets or single and date her child

    • pretty ☆ planful says:

      That’s an interesting point of view. I would say not changing your past is not equivalent to having zero regrets. I believe it’s possible to have a regretful decision but realize the wisdom gained from the situation is worth not changing.

    • Dante Hallow says:

      Its very easy to say you wouldn’t go back and change anything to save face because you know you cannot go back and change it, her decisions are her brand and what keeps her relevant, the moment she says she regrets those things she loses alot of her target audience, she has to make the lifestyle seem appealing and seem to outweigh the cons

    • Airchase says:

      @pretty ☆ planful 100% agree. Made some bad decisions in the past and if I could go back, I would definitely do things differently. However, do I regret those things happening in my life? not entirely… precisely because of the wisdom gained and lessons learned that I could bring with me moving forward and some of which helped me become the person I am today.

  • American Circus Podcast says:

    Can anyone remember when the conversation wasn’t about cheating or exercising options, but rather, It was about cultivating health and productive families – good times.

    • / ˈ d ɛ m i. ɜːr dʒ / says:

      Agreed. There is another culture within the top 5% of men that have no desire to keep adding countless notches to the belt. They paramountly want to have a beautiful, cultured companion who will be the trustworthy mother of their children. Of course, when your data set is rappers & Miami nightlife, the metrics neglect this.

      True elite gentlemen, who avoid the spotlight & social media, have an entirely different standard, ethic, and pool of mates to draw from. I’ve seen them turn down a plethora of forward ‘hotties,’ even while single. Biggest problem is how limited the pool of truly desirable wife material now is with the current culture-but those ladies with class & integrity, that come from proper families, don’t have to worry about their men spending the night with sleazes behind their back.

    • Rex Scipio says:


    • M P says:

      Was it at the same time when Tate was boxing or abusing girls?

    • antonio prado says:

      Jesus I was thinking the same. That’s why I listen to Matt walsh and actual mature sophisticated men. Maybe when I was 25-30 this would be awesome. Yea it’s a bit catchy at first which is why I’m here commenting but after awhile I’m like dude, are you that narrow minded that you think the only conversation you think men will enjoy is this. And to them the answer is yes because they all haven’t grown up. They’re obviously not true genuine family men and probably never will be.

    • Roy Nunez says:

      @M P If you can find me proof without a he said she said that he was actually doing so I will totally stand behind you and support you all the way

  • Desighnr says:

    My child’s mother is just like her, biggest mistake I’ve ever made.

  • Alexa G says:

    It’s sad that this day and age we just have to “accept” cheating. Besides instant gratification of a nut, what good does cheating bring into one’s life? These are the types of questions we need to be asking ourselves.

    • Joseph Izzo says:

      I really don’t think it’s a norm
      It’s what’s being discussed and some men do it but damn, not all men, in fact, not most men.
      The problem is, most women dress to attract sex not men, then they wonder why they get cheated on

    • Maverick Rod says:

      They are literally discussing millionaires, and or to know what you are walking into.. what’s hard to understand. Cheating is normal for high end men… it’s been this war for centuries. They aren’t speaking about the general population… however if those general population had infinite options cheating would occur.. this always been this way.. nothing about this is new

    • DXCXV says:

      I Agree Alexa. Cheating should never be acceptable. Poor or rich. Ugly or pretty. Still, the 1% of rich/attractive men live a lifestyle that will definitely test their ability to be a honest faithful man and let’s be real.. I’m sure most of them will fail and will cheat. Why? Because these men will have not just any girl.. but some of the most beautiful women the earth has to offer after him making it that more difficult to stay faithful. However there are a few men and unfortunately they are even fewer then the 1% that will not cheat and they are Christian men. However how many of those 1% of rich men have christian values? Even less.. money corrupts, most christian men don’t even care about being that 1% of men because we are aware of that tempting lifestyle. We just want to have enough money for a cozy family, a life without sinful temptations. Also the good part is we aren’t that hard to find. Going to a church not a club is a good start but not exactly necessary and still men from church aren’t perfect, but neither is that 1% man. So ladies.. ask yourselves, do you really want that man?

    • Shushkin says:

      What does the day and age have to do with it?

  • Kasey Bentley says:

    The fact that these men are actively excusing cheating is disgusting.
    Real men are faithful to the women they love and her to them.
    This is just pathetic.

  • Segun Babayeju says:

    I remember a girl who would literally not wear a mask at the height of Covid (a health worker) “because .. people won’t see her pretty face” 😂

  • Sophie Santillan says:

    I’ve been out of the dating game for so long now that I’m watching this in disbelief. 😂 lol

  • Allie says:

    I feel bad for Britney renner, there will be a day where she realizes everyone else was right and she was wrong. She’s gonna feel really bad about herself

  • Bruto Nano says:

    Accountability is a modern woman’s Kryptonite.

  • Awestrike says:

    Devon should get a medal for sitting through all that without chiming in.

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