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He’ll Say These 4 Things When He Really Loves You | Relationship Advice by Mat Boggs

Mat Boggs shares dating advice for women and He'll Say These 4 Things When He Really Loves You

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3 Things You Can Say To Make Him Feel Like a Man

5 Things Never to Say When Fighting (How To Communicate)

What to Say When a ? Vanisher? Comes Back

Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

#dating #adviceforwomen #relashionship #relationshipcoach #datingcoach #understandingman #understanding #howmenthink #whatmenthink #howtoattractaspecificpersonintoyourlife #lastinglove


  • @aprilslays0381 says:

    He just told me the other day that I am his happiness.💕… He told me that he was thinking about me real heavy I asked him what was he thinking about exactly, and he said that he was thinking about ways to keep me in his life permanently… He tells me constantly that he’s “into me”…He always calls when he’s at work” just to hear my voice” he mimics what I say or how I say things a lot lol…it’s crazy cause I don’t like the sound of my own voice, but he loves it as well as my accent. I truly love hearing him speak also he has a deep country accent I tell him all the time🥰

  • @cindinorbut3891 says:

    Love this and makes sense! I have seen this in relationships!!

  • @shamrockgirl6595 says:

    Thoroughly enjoy your insightful videos 📹 have learned a great deal👍

  • @kayhillman8628 says:

    I listened to Irene (and you) on AffirmaJams! Loved the lyrics and beat. Thanks for mentioning Irene’s beautiful voice❣️🤗💃🏼😘

  • @robertaparker9694 says:

    Yes…thank you for putting this together, because that is just what I have in the total gentleman that is in my life…I have listened to you for some time now..& I appreciate you for what you do

  • @JuuC says:

    I’m learning to believe more in what he do, his actions rather than his words. I’ve been told those phrases before and led to nothing

  • @kathleensloan7201 says:

    What made it crystal clear to me that my love was reciprocating my feelings was when he started calling me “honey.” Simple & basic but a giant sign that his feelings toward me had moved beyond friendship to a romantic relationship with me.

  • @rocketstar5214 says:

    As long as im here i u don’t have to worry about anything,,,

    thats phrase from him give me security and safety emotionally.. which i love it

  • @jacquelynhoagland3371 says:

    I have noticed shifts in my partner’s behavior at different points, like shortly after “the talk.” Before, I knew there was no commitment, and I was okay with that because I wasn’t looking for a marriage partner. Within a couple of weeks, he took me out to dinner, gave me a card, and put his arm around me for the first time. The following weekend, he gave me a bud vase of roses. I was so pleased, but in the back of my head, I’m thinking, “What happened to that can take you or leave you guy?” Jumping to the present, he’s admitted he loves me and is very caring but has gone from seeing me a couple times a week to seeing me 6 out 7 days last week and wanting me to ride along with him when he plays golf. Today, he told me, “You know, you can still come over even if you don’t feel good.” I have arthritis in my knees and hate to keep him awake tossing and turning when I’m having bad nights. So another change that tells me he’s more committed. Another thing I notice is that he is getting me little things when’s he’s out and thinks of me. I really appreciate all the little things he’s doing for me, too, that makes my life a little easier. He’s such a great guy! I think I’ll hold on to him.😊

  • @devinachandrapuspitaadriar7366 says:

    My man says let me look after you, I’ll make you happy and also he text me and call me. I love him soooo much. We are in LDR relationship. We plan tk meet in person this year. He’s gonna fly to my cou try this year 🤞🏼❤

  • @lindsey361 says:

    I’m so grateful you taught me about healthy relationships, iv been with my fiance for almost 2yrs and if I or my 4 children were going to scare him off he’d be gone! I’m so happy with him ❤

  • @gracepurcell7825 says:

    I’m so glad I found this channel..this stuff is gold!!

  • @jenniferadelialatif says:

    I literally blushed and teared up listening to you point-by-point. My man did all of these things and the way you said it validate that he really loves me, and I commit to keep learning on how I can always be grateful of his love. Thank you 🥰

  • @MsLilac88 says:

    Hello Mat, I always feel intrigued by your amazing relationship advice videos, these are great words of wisdom. 😊

  • @imeldaaying7817 says:

    What an amazing phrases you have identified that is happening with my current relationship status. Now I believed that everything that he says showed the reality of him being in love to me. I praise God for giving this man to me. All what you’ve said Matt is just spot on. Thanks again Matt for all the inspirational topic you’ve shared❤

  • @destmichael says:

    My husband has a lot to say, but he does say he needs to hear the sound of my voice. Will call me out of the blue. He took me to a museum on our first date. Encouraged to talk the entire time. It was wonderful.

  • @medina__anidem says:

    Someone being married for over 20 years to my first love and love of my life all these make sense so true really good man who loves you would literally share his last bite of his favorite food with you he makes sure i am taken care of loved and made my life easy I love him more than any words can describe

  • @kathykobos8980 says:

    My guy is such an angel/hero! He totally amazes me and impresses me constantly. I do craft shows and use various props for display. I showed him my thrift store “find”, a mannequin torso, which was chipped and cracked. Before I could say anything, he right away said he wanted to take it and sand it and paint it and construct a stand for it. He was absolutely on fire with ideas to make it like new for me. This is just one example of many, and I mean many, ways that he shows me he wants to fix things and take care of me. He volunteers himself all the time, and it feels sooooo good! I don’t even ask him, he must love me a lot.:) My ex was not like that at all!

  • @moya3180 says:

    Mat this is just what I needed to hear, thank you.

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