His Money Shouldn’t Matter in Dating

His Money Shouldn’t Matter In Dating… Remember, real connection isn't about what's in your wallet, but what's in your heart. When dating, his money shouldn't matter, what truly counts is compatibility and genuine emotional connection. This dating advice video will shed some light on why focusing on financial status is not conducive to building meaningful relationships and why his money shouldn't matter. Take heed to this dating advice to understand why his money shouldn't matter.

In dating, it's crucial to prioritize understanding and shared values over financial status. Remember that true compatibility transcends wealth, and his money shouldn't matter or dictate the course of a relationship. It will help if you understand why his money shouldn't matter so that you can focus on building a genuine connection.

I want you to understand why his money shouldn't matter so you can appreciate the person for who they are beyond their financial resources. Learn why his money shouldn't matter in dating and focus on what truly matters for a fulfilling relationship. Embrace this dating advice to understand why his money shouldn't matter.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– His money shouldn't matter in dating
– His money shouldn't matter
– Money shouldn't matter in dating
– Dating and money
– Online dating
– Dating
– Money shouldn't matter
– Dating advice
– Life coach
– Dating expert
– Love advice
– Dating coach for women
– Relationship advice
– Dating advice for women
– Relationship expert
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video, " His Money Shouldn’t Matter In Dating "

Watch this dating advice video next, "Men Will RESPECT Your Value When They See THESE 5 Things" 👉


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  • @daunwright458 says:


  • @shawanahickman6952 says:

    It doesn’t

  • @annettejohnson5291 says:

    They don’t care about your money until they realize you make more than them😭 Then, (some/most/who I’ve unfortunately had to deal with), they can’t handle it. Even when I try to avoid the conversation at all costs hoping they’ll like me enough to not be intimidated by my “success”. Which is a whole other issue.

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      I feel you, it definitely isn’t an easy situation but the focus needs to be on doing what is truly best 🙏🏼

    • @JStig12 says:

      @annettejohnson5291 I don’t get why men get so tripped up over that. As long as a woman feels like I am doing my part and contributing to the relationship, I am fine with that. In fact, I welcome it! I care more that our lifestyles are compatible. I wonder if some of it is fear and insecurity. To me, the simple solution to combat fear is, if you are in a marriage and you have something in mind that will require more of the income of the higher earner, do your research ahead of time, if possible, then simply discuss it with them and see if they are ok with it.

    • @AJweathersby says:

      @@JStig12 Most men don’t have a problem with dating a woman who makes more than him. Men have a problem with women who leverage the fact that they make more money to A) Talk down to him. Or B) Demand he handle more of the domestic responsibilities than what he’s comfortable with.

      In those cases, most men would quickly come to the conclusion that they’re better off being single than dealing with a woman who’s trying to force him to change his lifestyle to accommodate her. But people are quick to write-off such situations as men being “intimidated”.

    • @annettejohnson5291 says:

      @@JStig12 Good point about compatible lifestyles…and maybe cultures. I’m a Black woman in a conservative state…dating who will give me a chance, lol. I’m joking…but, it kinda seems like that sometimes. I actually don’t mind “traditional” roles, but that has to be earned. Otherwise, I have to take care of me. And I agree about fear and insecurity. It happens to all of us, but at least be able to have a conversation about it. Give me a chance to ease your fears and do what you need to make you feel secure. Most of the time I don’t get a chance to convince a man they are contributing what I need. They assume they are not. Baby, I’m telling you…if you are filling in the gaps, complimenting my life, and making my life easier? Believe me when I say that you are enough. I don’t need diamonds, fancy cars, material things, texts every minute. I’m secure in myself. I just need you to be my ride or die, my spiritual partner, my best friend. I don’t ask for much, lol. But, apparently simplicity and low maintenance hasn’t gotten me very far 🫠 Thank you for your perspective <3

    • @annettejohnson5291 says:

      @@AJweathersby Yes, I’ve definitely seen some situations where a woman intentionally emasculates a man. I don’t think women in that situation understand the harm they can do to their man and their relationship. I personally stay away from finances for as long as I can. No one (not even my family) knows how much I make. I have a low key car and most of the time in leggings or sweats…ponytail or braids and no make up. My favorite flex about a guy I was dating is him making a simple pasta dinner, wine, and letting me decompress and chat. Or me asking him to cut up an apple for me (yeah, I know)…him leaving his office to cut it up and running back upstairs (I was in an online meeting). I don’t know. I’m a marriage and family therapist and all about love, listening, and supporting one another. There are kind women out here. I guess it’s about finding the right fit. But, I think I may have to leave this state to find men who are more open minded🤷🏽‍♀️ Thank you for your perspective <3

  • @mscurvy6922 says:

    Where is he .. because unfortunately I met the broke ones 😂😂😂

  • @heatherjeffrey8997 says:

    Nice info Stephan

  • @cyncancook says:

    Cardboard BOX??? Limber limber limber😂😂😂

  • @MzApril1980 says:

    That’s a lie

  • @mreen91 says:

    I dated this guy who was flawnting his stuff and lifestyle.. i didn’t care for any of that. I told him multiple times, i wanted to know HIM. Still he treated me as if i was beneath him. I stayed loyal while he was having diners with golddiggers, he kept his option open. My selfesteem got a big hit.Stayed to long… lesson learned.

  • @christinemarielayne says:

    All I wanted was His love ❤❤❤ still looking

  • @cynthiaziegler6558 says:

    I told mine all I want is his heart and love

  • @nevergiveyouupbjcaldwell2454 says:

    This is so true” Mr. Cardboard Box” 😂.

  • @user-ve1eh5co6h says:

    I am a friend with a man, but he doesn’t want a relationship, because he been hurt by two women..so he just wants to be friends…but my friends and his friends see him having more feelings than friends.. but he keeps telling me and his that we are just friends… but he does things when I ask him..we go eat and do other things together and we laugh and enjoy each other..but still he keeps asking me come to his house and he comes to my house and eat and watch TV together…to

  • @user-ve1eh5co6h says:

    So what should I do..

  • @user-ve1eh5co6h says:

    So what should I do..

  • @MommaARA says:

    I don’t care about his money. I care about how he treats me.

  • @jacquelineholloway9108 says:


  • @Urteable says:

    It was Kat Williams who said that in his pimp chronicles stand up lol

  • @cristysmith3797 says:

    This is true

  • @KenishaCable says:

    Lol!! Yup, that was Chris Rock😂

  • @user-yg7lg5vl8t says:

    So true you saying thanks for sharing

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