
  • Chris Clifford says:

    This guy really does understand what works with women. A less thought out version of this began to work for me years ago and improved my dating life enormously, ultimately leading to the girl I married.

  • Stephen Terngu says:

    you are absolutely right “stop convincing women to like you”

  • Stepping Stones says:

    What ever this guy is saying is 100% true and the sad part is it took me 26 years and made lots of mistakes to figure this out. Well done

    • Jason Goodman says:

      Don’t feel bad, took me 37 years. Now I am loaded with women.

    • Philip Rock says:

      Neeraj tanwar I agree, but the sadder part, it took me over 50 years to discover this kind of material and then find this excellent talk/book.
      Good news? It’s still relevant even at my age.

    • Vincent David Underhill says:

      Philip Rock Phil, never too late to learn brother. I’m 38 single Dad two sons, and am on that journey right now, after the divorce I’m finally realizing all I’ve missed in my 20s and 30s. Stay strong bro

    • Vincent David Underhill says:

      Jason Goodman 38 years here bro. Still waiting for the women just kidding

  • earlibee says:

    This should be shown in high school and university classrooms. It will prevent many errors in life.I’m serious!

    • Deborah Savoie says:

      There is something seriously wrong with our society that is not.

    • Shaik Dastageer Faizur Rahman says:

      Couldn’t agree more to your point. Human psychology is one of the most practical subjects out there. And we really need it in our colleges and universities.

    • Reginald Solomon says:

      @Shaik Dastageer Faizur Rahman It’s there now….It’s called, and elective for under classmen at most colleges

    • How mathematicians create maths says:

      Well, not sure if our establishment is.confident enough in themselves to allow the society to develop true self.worth. They come out of a place of scarcity I am afraid.

    • CstWstFllwer says:

      ​@How mathematicians create maths the universities dont want to teach truth, just business and repetition

  • Hulk Buster says:

    There is no such thing as understanding women completely! 💯💯💯

  • Xoxoctic says:

    Thanks for this and all your content.

    I am revewing things I knew but I am also learning things I did not as well as remembering things I overlooked.

    I am already a divorced man, and though my couple was emotionally unstable and messed up in many ways I know I also messed up in some maintenance duties.

    I miss her and my son but I know we could not work out our issues as we were not compatible, but I am grateful for what I have learned with her as a couple. I will always love her and so I am hoping she will have a happier life with her new partner as that will also be good for my son whom I will also make sure to take care of as well.

    If I get to know a new couple I will be a better partner than I was but I wil also look for someone more compatible.

    The point is: if a couple does not work out it´s not about whose fault it is but about both members trying their best to maintain it. IF it did not work out then at least we did the best we could.

  • Mluleki Jeremiah Ndlovu says:

    High Internal Value: Comparison free. Behavior, belief.
    1. Don’t be superior to her.
    2. Take every insult as a compliment.
    3. Don’t convince her to like you.
    4. Get her to talk more 60/40. Allow her to talk more. Ask questions that allow her to talk more.
    5. Give her your approval when sharing sensitive information.

    Internal Strength:
    1. If you disagree with her, let her know.
    2. Talking to other man don’t react, talk to other woman.
    3. Say No to her once a while.
    4. Let her know if she’s silly.
    5. If she wants to leave let her.

    1. Health and good genes.
    2. Don’t tell her about other woman.

    Continue to earn your attention

    1. Complement her and challenge her.
    2. Don’t do little things for her without her saying “Please”
    3. Give her time to wonder about you.
    4. Give her time to chase you.

    Relationship Maintenance Mode:
    4 Things that make her stay in love with you.
    1. Positive attention: actively paying attention. Continue to date her. Continue to plan dates. Quick hike, ice cream, hang out, make it a priority. Never go a month without planning a date. A date once a week.
    2. Pay her a positive attention.
    3. Point out positive behavior (Continue to say “Please, Thank You, Good Morning and Good Night)
    Respect: never scream or yell at her, don’t be physical with her. Support her instead. Never check other woman while out with her. Never give her advice unless she asks for one. Listen to her than trying to solve her problem. I’m confident you will figure this out.

    Positive humour: Don’t use humour to avoid important/serious issues.
    Don’t take things personally.

    Team Work: You should date a woman who loves to do things for you.
    Find a giving woman and appreciate her giving.
    Don’t take advantage of her.
    Accept her imperfections.
    Map out clearly your individual responsibilities around the house, make sure it’s fair. If she cooks wash the dishes, take trash, support her ideas, help her implement them. Treat her as your equal partner.

    • Karan Bharadva says:

      Thank you God 🙏🙏🙏

    • Redden W says:

      I hate the way the channel framed the whole “self worth” thing. “because your self worth is so high, it doesn’t even enter your reality that someone, ESPECIALLY a WOMAN, wouldn’t also think that you’re amazing” oh yeah but “You’re not better than anyone else”. Deep contradictions here. “Better yourself as a person” but uh “you’re not better than anyone else.” “The truth is, You ARE awesome, but you’re NOT better than anyone else” How can something be awesome if it has identical value to everything around it? It’s Subjectivist Marxist trash to think that objective comparison between any two similar things is unwarranted. I did not receive more respect until I DID see my philosophical values as objectively superior, based on evidence and logic, and that makes perfect sense. Everything in reality is subject to the objective rules of the fabric of the universe.

      What he should have said was, “Understand why your position and your way of thinking is superior, but don’t become entitled/authoritative about it” This means, you understand why say, the NAP is a superior way of living than Marxist class ideology, but you don’t force your beliefs on others. If you’ve done good research and though on issues for a long time, you still don’t have the right to demand that people do things exactly your way, you don’t have the right to issue unquestioned dictates, but you absolutely should have the privilege of being listened to more intently, and people putting more weight behind your position on issues/questions. If people don’t care or don’t wanna listen for even a few minutes to the reasoning why your position on an issue is morally/logically/physically superior, they’re low quality people who lack advanced reasoning skills, leave them and find better people.

    • David Carothers says:

      @Redden W Yes. Great Post!!
      On Target…..

    • JTIV says:

      @Redden W And nice guys wonder why they’re single.

    • naman alagh says:

      Brother love u. For saving our time 😘

  • Peace & Glory says:

    As a female I can agree with the content of this video. Great info for men who want to understand the basics about the female mind and what females are attracted to. However, not all female minds work the exact same way. We are not carbon copies of each other & we don’t all want the same things. I think it is also important to take into consideration whether she is an alpha, beta, sigma, etc.

    • Jonpaul Cox says:

      But hierarchy’s change depending on who you’re around, and female hierarchy’s are based on how pretty they are compared to the next girl, but something tells me that you think it’s something maybe a like a male hierarchical structure which is based on strength or competence.

    • Dotingathlete42 says:

      Nah y’all the same

    • Tugan says:

      @Jonpaul Cox mainly purity for woman, thats what real male nature seeks

  • How mathematicians create maths says:

    Jim, I want to thank you from my heart for choosing date coaching as one of your Main Missions in life. You know so many coaches make me and other men insecure if they claim that looks Matter so much and things like this. But you give us hope by implicitly indicating that looks doesnt give women significant value because it cannot lead her through life. So according to your Video we can conclude that women would rather choose a very ugly guy Who is a leader than a handsome guy Who is feminine.

    Thank you Jim! 🙂

    • dog guy says:

      @Blue Rabbit wrong, you might be physically attractive but deep inside you don’t feel so. Women are cognitive not visual like men. The only advantage physical appearance has for men is only auditioning. Women are really good in giving covert tests to men and this might one of the areas a man, no matter how good he looks will most likely to fail if he has no confidence. Confidence and natural masculinity is the key. I’ve got ugly or not average looking guys spending quality time with beautiful women. So women see beyond just physical looks or money and are extremely good in reading body language and other subtle non verbal cues.

  • Jim Beam says:

    I have watched about two dozen dating / relationship channels and this is the most thorough by far. I also like the fact that this is about relationships over time and not just initial attraction.

  • R D says:

    Dude this is all so true. Numerous painful lessons that I had trouble accepting. “attraction is similar to frustration in the early stages”, “let her text be the last of each conversation” – there are deep psychological effects from these tiny power plays that switches the roles. You let her become the hunter, and you become the elusive prey

  • CJ says:

    1) it’s not confidence- Don’t care!
    2) not physically anything- be funny or rude
    3) don’t look responsible- be a loser
    4) simply right place at the right time


      Yeah… hormones decides our chances.

    • daCooker_1 says:

      @DEFENDER OF DHARMA so you just gonna give up? you re much better than you think. It s true that luck is not on our side most of the times but you can still win
      all you have to do is try

  • Blaze says:

    wow! pure gold!! I just wish the “don’t try to solve her problems, instead listen to her” part had come sooner! I was “advising” my gf on a problem and said something that made her turn her anger on me. When all I had to say was: “Damn, that sucks”

  • cerocerocero000 0 says:

    3:55 #1 High Internal Value
    12:22 #2 Internal Strength
    18:50 #3 Pre-Selection
    25:44 #4 Challenge

  • BUXBE says:

    Very nicely presented. I was usually very intense and super-confident with what I said to a woman, but always scared them, even though they would say how confident I am (even though I was internally scared as hell). So many wonderful women lost by so many mistakes. I am always selective, just didn’t present it properly. Thanks for the wake up.

  • Unseen Ezio says:

    Great video! It was hard to watch/listen to everything I did wrong in my last relationship. I was so angry at her but now am only angry with myself. I had gotten the ONE, someone who was far above reach of my level. I didn’t take it as seriously as I should have and got comfortable and took everything for granted. Learn from what I’m regretting now people.

  • Expresso Evangelism says:

    This is really funny. I played the game very well when I was 20, and then again at 45. As a Sigma male I suppose I fell quite naturally into this recommended procedure. Obviously maintaining it over life has been a failing. 25 and 12 years has been a problem. Starting again at 67. It’s been good to recap the rules. Thank you.

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