How to Approach Women as a Beginner?

Do you hold back from even trying to meet women because you’re a “beginner” at the whole dating thing? Is it really hard for you to say ANYTHING to her, let alone a witty line?

Let me break down why this happens and what to do abou it!

– Interacting with a woman you find really attractive can feel INTENSE.
– So intense that you’re “overloaded” and your system “jams” stopping you from using that great line you learnt from a YouTube video.
– This “failure” makes approaching women feel even harder, and creates a negative feedback loop where you don’t approach at all.

Let me tell you what you need to do instead.

– Accept that meeting women is INTENSE (at the start, it gets easier with practice!)
– Anything that adds to that feeling of PRESSURE will lead you to JAM UP.
– So you want to FORGET (or at least not focus on) any information to do with meeting women that isn’t about the first step, which is walking up to her, and saying something simple, like “hi”.

Now you might think, “but Hayley that plan for where the conversation goes after I’ve said hello is what I need without that I’ve got nothing. I don’t just want to walk up and leave…”

And that’s where I’d encourage you at this stage to focus on the first step. You might also be surprised that if you can let go of needing a plan for the conversation that what “flows” after you say “hi” might actually be good?

No matter what stage of learning you’re at with dating my Academy training for men starts on September 25th: It’s a 10 week programme designed to move you through your limitations. Link:

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*** Modern dating advice for men and women
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Learn to love dating, meet people IRL and build your confidence with dating coach Hayley Quinn.


  • @NotApplicaple says:

    And why does the man have to do everything and woman nothing ?

    • @xMckingwill says:

      🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️, but to be fair we are also the ones that complain if they are to assertive.

    • @willzjc says:

      Wow, do you think simply just saying “hello” is DOING EVERYTHING?

      And yes, men approaches and women chooses. If you don’t like how that works then you should keep staying in your basement

  • @bull2037 says:

    You are very beautiful Hayley…

  • @philiprachtman1217 says:

    Just start by going to a strip club. It makes having a conversation so much easier then take the skills out to the real world

  • @kohnfutner9637 says:

    Don’t ask a fish how to catch fish. Ask a fisherman.

    • @balancer182 says:

      Though in this case what she said is something that a fisherman would say too. Just cold approach hundreds of women until you are numb to rejection.

    • @kohnfutner9637 says:

      @@balancer182 I’m numb to rejection. Only took me about 6 women that I liked rejecting me. Some were nice about it and others not so nice. I think I prefer rejection now. 🐸

  • @williamwallace410 says:

    You are right. Just focus on saying hello and repetition, trial and error will do the rest.

  • @floriangeyer3454 says:

    WHY approach women in the days of metoo?

  • @devilsadvocacy says:

    I’m on the autism spectrum, so cold-approaching is a no-go

  • @alexandervandenboschnoa says:


  • @davidcanaandaniel says:

    That’s not going to work.

    • @HayleyQuinn says:

      It won’t work as in “get a date” but that’s not a realistic training expectation for a beginner. The goal is to get started!

  • @Boneheaded_Dumbass says:

    I grew up in a family full of doctors and nurses, so my attitude when talking to doctors is to treat them just like anyone else. I had a problem talking with women too, until I realized that I can just talk to them like anyone else. And…just like doctors, some of them can’t handle not being put on a pedestal. 😂

  • @Harikejn says:

    Relax (have balance when being serious, and when joking), and go with the flow.

  • @rogerruhland8897 says:

    There are two types of women to approach. Avoid them both!

  • @rondale8722 says:

    It’s not even worth approaching women unless a guy is a chad.

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