The 4-Letter Word That Makes Women Want You…

Claim your copy of The Good Guy Guide System here now:

Did you know that women are actually consistent in their dating behavior?

And that if a woman is even a little bit attracted to you when she first meets you, your behavior is what determines where things go from there (not your bank account, resume stats, body, etc.)?

In fact, there's a four-letter word that shows you exactly what to do and exactly what not to do at all times to make her want you: If you do what it says, she's yours…if you don't, you'll drive her away guaranteed.

So, what is that four-letter word and what does it mean?

Check out this presentation to find out…


  • Mighty Jaime says:

    I literally have a composition note book writing everything from your videos.

  • Semper Fi says:

    It wasn’t until I stopped caring and became completely indifferent to women, that I was able to attract and keep women interested in me.

    • Cosme Fulanito says:

      Semper Fi i agree more with you… when I stopped caring she showed up… but now it is not the same.

    • nofy bn says:

      That is the worst way to do it! You have issues with women to work on.

    • Cosme Fulanito says:

      nofy bn ok, what do you suggest? I respect your opinion , but express yourself a little bit more, thanks

    • EyeInTheSky says:

      Yes but at the same time you have to tease and be playful… I’ve been missing the latter, ever since I added it I’m unstoppable

    • Kiki the pupper says:

      You know, I don’t think it’s quite the action of being indifferent itself making the change. There are soooo many ways women could interpret one’s indifference to women.. Heck, they could think maybe you’re homosexual.

  • Fun2 Drive says:

    Before I met the love of my life (which we are on a break to my screw up) I was casual dating a few women, 4., at the same time. Just a date but I discovered (I am recently divorced and have not dated) that these women wanted to have sex but expected me to spend the nite. Negative Ghost Rider I am not into that. I actually showed up at a woman’s house and she told me to bring some overnite stuff since it was a good drive there and a good drive back. She showed me her house, her family members house and the local community. Back to her place to look at some picture books. Next thing I know she has her legs wrapped around me and shortly after she is sitting on me grinding. Hey I am not a prude but man I just met her. Yeah I might be a little better looking and have a athletic build at 6 ft tall but that can’t be the reason can it? LERR huh? Well I hope to reconnect with my woman but happy to hear about this.

  • ferdie fox says:

    The good guy guide. I’m mgtow, but I might order it. Put it on amazon. I like your approach its very nice, like “how to not let womens step on your heart” I’ll give a 20$ to it. The least I can do X)

  • Gee Dee says:

    When you talk about leading the interactions, does that include texting first in the texting game?

    • S. Raetz says:

      I would, but you have to feel out the situation first. In fact, much to my chagrin, I did that and it was successful. She later remarked on our date that she wasn’t sure how to initiate the first text. Once I opened that door, she was comfortable communicating via text.

    • 37 Rahul Paul 11-D says:

      Yes… boys should take the first step

    • Dave Cummings says:

      If your referring to just the initial opening text then yes . But that does not include sending the first text to initiate every text convo

  • Morg says:

    Lead the interaction one step forward.
    Encourage her to chase you.
    Reward her when she chases you.
    Refuse to chase her

  • StephenO says:

    LERR is not a word, it is an acronym.

  • Sina Nami says:

    When you reward her for chasing you, you’re pulling in her. When you refuse to chase her, you’re pushing her away.

  • The Daily FX Balance says:

    I get how all this works and geat videos they really are on point. But quite frankly its all ridiculous that we have to go through this nonsense. I am 35 and the only women (out of 109) I ever loved instantly and stayed together for 7 years (b4 I screwed it up), was a completely natural moment where we saw one another on the street and stopped talked clicked and we both knew in 10 seconds, maybe 3 seconds if I am honest. It was the most wonderful experience ever and I would honestly rather wait for that to happen someday rather than mastering all of this madness as there are better things to do with our time than playing these games to make something happen which should be natural. Its probably why everyone has become so fake.

    • Donovan McNair says:

      You are correct. This is a an act. It’s not being authentic

    • Ivan says:

      @Donovan McNair stuff like this can happen. But this not an act, it‘s called learning and growing, nothing wrong with that.

    • Esh says:

      These are lessons that can be applied in life in many ways, not just dating. These are not games, it’s insight into how a healthy, confident male thinks and behaves. This is motivational.

  • Thobani David says:

    this guy is a legend,ever since i watched these videos i became a legend and stress free

  • Reaper 726 says:

    I liked a girl one time but she hated my guts. Her friend told me that I was not attractive and she found me creepy and to stop wasting my time. This went on for a couple of years of me trying to be friends with her. Didn’t work. So I gave up and started dating her other friend. For some reason this annoyed her and she started texting me and shitting on me for no reason. I have been with her for 30 yrs now. She says that she was not attracted to me so it didn’t get past that. When she saw me around with someone else and was at some of the same social functions she said she started to find me really attractive and got really jealous. Then she asked me why I didn’t talk to her anymore and things grew from there. Sometimes I think they don’t know it when they see it so maybe there is something you can do.

    • Reaper 726 says:

      If I had told her that I wouldn’t have had the wonderful life with a wonderful person that I have had. Women are weird sometimes. She never gave herself a chance to get to know me until I was around her a lot because I was seeing one of her friends. Once she did know a little more things changed fast. She is by no means a shallow person.

    • Steve C# says:

      That’s called preselection.

  • Johnny Appleseed says:

    Women, especially younger women, are like children
    Speak to their emotional intelligence, not to the intellect.
    One’s tone of voice is so important when talking to women.

  • vanpenguin22 says:

    Always leave them wanting more!
    You’ll never forget that one now😅

  • Damon r Joseph says:

    Balance the key to attracting a woman who is into you and the key to keeping a woman who is into you

  • Damon r Joseph says:

    In my opinion it takes a man having a personal Vision, intelligence, and patience to implement what this guy’s talking about.

  • Damon r Joseph says:

    Some guys may nitpick at this guy’s words and say what do you mean reward her is she some kind of dog you can use a different word other than reward if you want to. Trust me I’ve been that needy, desperate man and I come to realize listening to this guy and listening to some other videos by other dating coaches that being NEEDY,desperate,and impatient after being with that woman for awhile had a whole lot to do with me pushing the women away that I really like being needy, desperate, and impatient does not work. Men focus on becoming a better man make that your main personal vision not chasing a woman,getting a woman or sex if you do that 👉CONSISTENTLY👈 the women will automatically come and then you can choose which one 👉YOU👈want.

  • S S says:

    As a woman, I agree with this.

  • Nazz hk says:

    This channel is so underrated!!! I am happy i found it ! Thank you for this great content!

  • Charbel Chwairi says:

    Asking her number leading the kiss or asking her out don’t work so quickly
    U have to get the girl to know who u are.

  • Esh says:

    These are lessons that can be applied in life in many ways, not just dating. These are not games, it’s insight into how a healthy, confident male thinks and behaves. This is motivational.

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