Look for spiritual chemistry #shorts

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Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

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  • @suzanne2680 says:

    I’m a lawyer but right-brain painter in my free time who has always dated left-brain, overeducated guys like me. I’ve been seeing a true free-spirited but brilliant painter/sculptor/general contractor since 10.1. I don’t know if it’s that combo or the guy himself but it has been the most fun, liberating, passionate, adventurous 2+ months of my life. Definitely so close emotionally and personality-wise that it feels spiritual..

  • @evonnecram5538 says:

    So much deeper to have more than sexual chemistry. Very spiritual and life long grows with time

  • @Filipina.barbiee says:

    Yess to thissss!

  • @denisesmith8657 says:

    That’s what I’m looking for but men only want the physical connection. I can’t him want that emotional/spiritual connection if he doesn’t want it.

  • @anhthai7550 says:

    That my situation right now

  • @tonilayne5936 says:


  • @Mk2.Sc.uv.43 says:

    So very true!!

  • @Mk2.Sc.uv.43 says:

    I was love bombed, then proposed to after just 3 months and then breadcrumbed !! I gave him 10 months too many but he kept
    Letting me down!! Too many red flags, the guy was never consistent so my gut told me….cheater….

  • @Mk2.Sc.uv.43 says:

    Annette —- if your gut tells you something is off…then it usually is…I’d keep track of the times he says something that seems
    Off..note it in your calendar ..if he keeps giving you bad vibes or your gut tells you not to trust ..then you’ve got a good measure

  • @cinderling5472 says:

    I think it’s more than that too, with all due respect dearest Matt

    A spiritual connection is aliveness, but i think it also goes into the elusive hard to put into words territory that is nevertheless strongly felt

    It can be found on chemistry and compatibility, and then i think it reaches down so deeply within you that part of you becomes attached to part of the other

    And that makes you WANT to feel those intense moments of aliveness with someone

    You don’t want to experience it with just anyone, after all

  • @user-zo9pi3gj1x says:

    What if I am in tuned to joy and what life has to offer but I resent the man who I am going to marry…and the way I feel about him is his, and society’s, fault. Because of all the negative emotions I feel, I just don’t think it’s going to work…which is exactly what society wanted/wants. I hate to give them what they want but I admit, they and their bullshit are winning.

  • @marichekdrinkwater2870 says:


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